星期日, 1月 07, 2007


  所以在昨天的二人創業小聚上,大聲疾呼,尋找能用電話推銷的人才。原本並不預期會有什麼結果,卻有兩位現場的朋友表示他們的能力足以做。早上去找張先生,他表示要想辦法先弄一個成功的招商案例,這樣才能和醫院有進一步的合作關係。我思索一下,覺得成效還是太低,也許要請那兩位朋友從現有認識的海外客戶開始,醫療這種東西走陌生call call路線的話,是白白浪費電話費,原來我也是試膽量,順便看看是否是之前打給某家保險公司一樣簡單,但這兩星期覺得,那個接電話的主管應該是在敷衍我…我要用英文推銷這玩意兒還太早,甚至說不能走陌生開發。

6 則留言:

  1. 你可能找台灣總公司人資談這件事再反推回美國分公司還快些,阻力也小,至少試試市場。旺宏、台積電等美國都有分公司,語言通,不必行銷「Thailand? 的台灣」,講半天解釋台灣Thailand。要推美國公司,需找二人小創的美國那一半,美國人資Benefits方面,大公司另有專人,不是一般的HR Manager,他們不是decision maker, 做不了主的。

  2. 自從看了你的"醫療旅遊"文章之後,就一直再詢問有關方面的訊息,本人感覺很有興趣,只是我並不是相關的專業技術人員,所以我也一直不的其門而入,想跟你請教一下,應該是從什麼方向去了解呢?

  3.   Steven,請問你現在做的工作能與外國人接觸到嗎?有的話比較有辦法開始觸動。我自己是做仲介,有在出租房屋的過程中,碰到外國人,介紹他們去台大做他們想做的東西(補牙是最常的吧),至於會不會介紹他們的親友來台呢?我不知道,我只能說,這還是算起步階段。

  4. I wonder your target markets, uninsured people or corporation benefit plans? For corporations, employees would still keep their medical insurance for minor or acute diseases. The possible saving areas could be dental, plastic surgery and chronic disease care. Will corporations increase their insurance cost to add coverage or come up special plans with insurance companies? Just my 2 cents.

  5. Hi Helix
    Can you leave your email to me? I think you should read Outsourcing your heart and learn how a medical travel agency make money. India had give Taiwan a very good example to follow. Since I'm a real estate agent. What I'm doing is just introducing NTU hospital to foreigners after I show them houses.

  6. Ok, I read it. Looks like there are three market targets: 1. uninsured or little coverage people. 2. corporations which want to cut down health benefit cost. 3. insurance companies which offer alternative providers. To deal with the second and third categories, you might need more resource and backup, or find a way to break in. You can try to contact medical tourism agencies. They should have sales channels for all three categories already. I think the major problems of outsourcing medicare are following up, communication, insurance and law issues if treatments went wrong. Physical exam tour might be a low risk entering point. BTW, I am in biotech industry.
