Funny版面: 藏書閣 發表於: 星期四 八月 28, 2003 7:05 pm 主題: 很好笑的show
版面: 你濃我濃區 發表於: 星期二 九月 21, 2004 10:53 pm 主題: 請大家幫Ms Pajero小姐投票喔
Fraud版面: 你濃我濃區 發表於: 星期六 一月 24, 2004 11:18 am 主題: 好誇張,大家要怎麼處理這篇emai l?
Dear Friend,
My name is LOI C.ESTRADA,The wife of Mr. JOSEPH ESTRADA, the former President of Philippines located in the
The present government is forcing my husband out of
I am contacting you because I want you to go to the security company and claim the money on my behalf since I have declared that the consignment belong to my foreign business partner. You shall also be
required to assist me in investment in your country. I hope to trust you as a God fearing person who will not sit on this money when you claim it, rather assist me properly, I expect you to declare what percentage of
the total money you will take for your assistance.
When I receive your positive response I will let you know where the security company is and the payment pin code to claim the money which is very important.
For now, let all our communication is by e-mail because my line are right now connected to the Philippines Telecommunication Network services. Please also send me your telephone and fax number. I will ask my son contact you to give you more details on after i have received a responce from you.through this email address
Thank you and God bless you and family.
Architecture study
綠建築後記版面: 聚餐活動討論區 發表於: 星期四 二月 05, 2004 5:49 pm 主題: 歡迎大家一起來參加綠建築博覽會演講
Fortune telling版面: 聚餐活動討論區 發表於: 星期四 二月 19, 2004 9:13 am 主題: 一起來學占卜吧
Food版面: 你濃我濃區 發表於: 星期六 十二月 04, 2004 11:43 am 主題: 簡單煮卦菜雞 市場買半隻公雞,請肉販切塊,丟薑,再把水灌淹過,然後丟六個以上的雞肝提味,水滾了以後關小火燉半小時,再把卦菜或長年菜丟下去煮個十分鐘,有機蔬菜雞湯就完工了,當然,也可以加一小匙的鹽巴,這樣可能更甜吧
English Learning版面: 英語學習資料庫 發表於: 星期二 十二月 07, 2004 6:52 pm 主題: Bi-khim's Club English Class-"Elections in Taiwan" Last night I went to Bi-khim Hsiao’s Club and learned some political English. I’m very glade to share all of you. It would be a little help to talk to foreigners about politics. My tutor was Ad?le Ho, working as an administratitive assisant for the senate of
1 election /to elect 選舉
2 democracy / to be democratic 民主
3 cabinet 內閣
4 to restructure / restrict (n.) 改組
5 to step down (to assume office) / to step down from the stage (to appear on stage) 下台
ex. Stan Shih step down from the CEO of Acer this month and handed over his position to president Wang.
6 promotion / implement / to promote (a cause) / to implement (a policy)
7 party in office / ruling party 執政黨 didn't get into office 沒有執政
8 minority party 少數黨 like Taiwan Solidarity Union, New Party and People First Party
9 to win, to gain贏得 to gain a lead 領先 to be ahead
10 seat (政)席次
11 to be fair, to be just 公平
12 to represent, to stand for / representative 代表
13 reason, sense 理由
A: What’s the reason you didn’t show up last Wednesday?
B: I was ill.
A: That makes sense.難怪
補充 result 和 consequences的不同
result : what happens at the end of the action
consequences : bad result from the action
14 image 形象 Bi-hkim Hsiao is known that she like sports.
15 to vote 投票
16 will of the people 民意 show the will of the people 展現民意
17 candidate 侯選人
18 political view 政見
19 for example 比方說
20 to emphasize / to stress 強調 Ms. Chin-Ang Li puts her emphasis on education. She is distinguished from others and makes herself unique.
21 the right to vote 選舉權 Every Adult older than 20 years old has the right to vote.
22 to re-elect 重選 Ukraine will reelect their president.
23 to help / to assist a campaign effort 助選
24 voter / elector 選民
25 political convention 政見發表會
meeting 指多人一同討論的會
seminar 研討會,只聽一人發言,大部份在大學且多為專業性的會議
conference 亦為研討會,只聽一人發言,常見特定商業人士或與學界共同合辦,不過與seminar的區別不大,有人知道更細的區別嗎?
convention 大型的造勢活動、激勵大會,由講者與台下聽眾做密集互動,常會問「對不對」「好不好」就有人叭叭叭
26 political party 政黨
27 mayor (of a city) 只能用在市長
28 term of office(任期次數) /tenure of office(任期時間) / mandate 只指『任期』,無關時間次數
a. President Chen has had two term of office. = President Chen is in his 2nd term of office.
b. President Chen has had a tenure of 4 years in office.
29 parliament 內閣制國會 / congress 總統制國會
30 president 總統
31 delegate 一般是「出席會議的代表」,在美國慣稱準州議員,但權利和senator有區別,只有發言權,沒有投票表決權。
32 to distribute leaflets 發傳單
33 to support, to back / support , backing 支持
35 Legislative Yuan
36 bribe賄賂 bribe voters by promising something向選民賄賂當選後如何如何
37 liberal, left wing自由派 / conservative, right wing 保守派版面: 討論主題張貼區 發表於: 星期四 十二月 16, 2004 3:16 pm 主題: Feedback on the meeting on December 15 and Food Thought
docent 專指博物館、美術館中的講解員,與負責帶旅行團的tour guide 不一樣
臭豆腐 stinky tofu
皮蛋 thousand-year egg
豬腸 chitterling
蝦 shrine指蝦米、草蝦 prawn 指大隻明蝦
油飯 oil glutinous rice 油飯是用糯米,糯米是黏的為glutinous rice
綠豆 mung bean 請注意喔,不要亂寫
粥 congee指裡頭還有加料如肉絲
稀飯 diluted rice 就是稀飯而已
油 lard 動物如性豬油 shortening 起酥油(用於做點心)兩者亨飪用法不同
baby's birthday
抓周常會放算盤 abacus針線、鍋鏟、樂器等讓小孩抓
white scroll輓聯
dragon boat festival
scented sachet 香包
realgar 雄黃(為一種硫化物)
Chinese New Year, Dragon Boat Festival and Mid Autumn Festival are family reunion days.
Activity版面: 聚餐活動討論區 發表於: 星期日 十二月 26, 2004 11:41 am 主題: 漆彈戰爭後記 我很肉腳,都是出場沒多久就頭部中彈幣命
最佳神射手:David Jr.,射死最多人
最佳滲透員: Austin,在搶旗戰中苦撐被三方火力夾射,最後被Yubor空手擒拿,在攻山頭戰成功繞到攻方敵側,俘虜多名敵軍。
Just the record of life. The observation to macro economic, investment, social life, food and wine.
星期一, 2月 20, 2006
What I posted on YoYo forum in 2004
I collect something I posted on YoYo Forum and catergorized them.
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